Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Tourism was defined as the activities of person traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes. Some people say tourism was a bob total of operators, mainly of an economic nature, which directly relate to the entry, stay and movement of foreigners inside and outside a certain country, city or region. In the field of economy, tourism is the fastest and more profitable industry in the whole world.
There are many factors that contributed to the historical development of tourism industry. Sabah, the ‘Land Below the Wind’, has a wealth of cultural and historical attractions to entertain tourist. The eco-activities aren’t the only things they can do as there are many mosques, museums and cultural centers to help them to discover Sabah’s historical and cultural heritage. The example of historical sites and places in Sabah are the Kota Kinabalu which was previously known as Jesselton, Sabah State Museum, Menara Tun Mustapha, Atkinson Clock Tower, Signal Hill Observatory, Mengkabong Water Village, Monsopiad Cultural Village and many more. These places have contributed very much in our country tourism industry.
Tourism industry was divided into seven components. The first one is
Transportation which shows the way for tourist to move from one place to another place. A tourist can go to their destination in four ways either through land way, air way, rail way or water way. Accommodation is very important to be provided for the tourist when they reach their destination. They can choose to stay in many types of hotels depend on the location, price and facilities.
Some tourist liked to live with the local people and join their daily activities. That is called home stay.
Food and beverage are also the most important components in tourism industry. Without this component, a tourist can’t survive for their recreation and leisure. The attraction is the reason why the tourists take the place for their destination. The natural, heritage, entertainment and recreation that exist in one place will attract the tourist to visit or travel to that place. The next component of tourism industry including tourism promoters, tourism distributors and land managing agencies.
Natural disaster that happened in this world is one example of the influence to tourism industry.
Tourist or guest made up of many types.They are visiting in purpose to learn the culture and customs of the country. Usually, the tourists have their own reason why they want to travel. Some of them said that they want to gain knowledge and experience, some of them said they want to feel the food or delicacy of the other place. The tourist has different needs and desire in tourism.
The six travel phases are the level that taken in tourism. This gives meaning everything done from the beginning until the trip finish. There including anticipating a trip, planning the trip, initiate travel to site, enjoy, explore or participation, return and the last one is share memories.
The host is the side who provide everything for the tourist. They invite the tourist and provide all the tourist’s facilities such as accommodation, transportation and so on. Finally, tourism is one of the most important industries in the whole world. Nowadays, every country is upgrading their effort to expand tourism industry in their own country because tourism was the most profitable industry which contributed very much in the field of economy.

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